I've only been hunting once in my life, and to be frank I was terrible at it. I'm an impatient person with no real experience shooting fire arms. Thank God for video games. My friend Chris and I rented this game based only on the title, our thought was what could be better than an Alaskan adventure? The answer, a lot of things. This game was terrible. The graphics where terrible, the premise didn't actually interest us, and the game was, for the most part, broken. BUT! There was one thing about it we really liked. The game pretty much played itself. All we had to do was find an animal and point our gun in it's general direction and then the bullet would find its way to the animal regardless of the how well we aimed. The bullet would curve if it had to do. It would go through trees if it had to. No matter what though it would hit our prey. So we played it for like 3 days then got bored and took it back.
2007: PictoChat (DS)

PictoChat came out installed on all DS's when they came out in 2004 but I never found it's full potential until a car trip in early 2007. PictoChat is pretty much just a chat room for DS's within close range and users can type messages or draw little pictures. During a painful drive to Austin for some play festival my friend, and co-star, Zach and I sat in the back seat of the van and drew pictures back and forth for 2 1/2 hours. Sometimes the pictures where just random little doodles, but other times they where hilarious comments on what was happening in the car. The drive would have been brutal had we not had PictoChat. I've since only used it a few other times, but nothing will beat that time.
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