The Matrix was my first real exposure to Keanu Reeve's and back in 6th grade when I saw it I thought it was the best, and I may have even thought Keanu was the best but as time has passed the film has become less and less memorable. The sequels however where never memorable. In fact I don't think I ever even saw the third installment untill this Saturday.
I don't even think I can get into the story line as it's long, confusing, poorly developed, and to be frank I don't really fully understand what all went down in this final chapter. The directors did however figure something out with this film. Less Keanu=more good. For most of the second half of this movie Keanu said nothing. And another chunk of the movie Keanu was stuck in some innerstellar computerized train station or something. Meanwhile the better actors pushed the story, or whatever you want to call the events that happen in the movie, forward.
As usual his faced stayed in the same position. His lines rarely strayed from his "I'm reading this as I say it out loud" style. Basically the movie was pretty bad, and Keanu was even worse.
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