I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a blast. The party was fun, the people where great, and there where plenty of awesome costumes. Of course with the good comes the bad and there where plenty of bad costumes to speak of, and with the good and bad also come the scary. Something very interesting happened last night, I saw a costume that I was legitimately afraid of.
There was a guy at the party dressed as a baby. The guy looked older than me and had some dirty looking facial hair. He was wearing a blue long sleeved onesie and a baby hat. Something deep down inside of me churned as I looked at him. Something about the image deeply disturbed me. The more I thought about it them more creepy it got until finally I had to look away. It was a really strange moment. Never before had I felt the way that I did but for those few minutes I was creeped out, afraid, and unbelievably uncomfortable.
So if anyone wants to really get under my skin just throw on a baby costume and show up at my door.
Funny, incisive story.
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