Today I was at Central Market and I saw a bottle of Sea Dog’s Raspberry Wheat Ale. I figured regular beer tastes kinda gross…but throw some raspberries into the mix and maybe it’ll taste better? So I bought it.
After a few hours I popped open the bottle and poured it into a glass. I did a surprisingly good job of pouring into the glass, there was a good amount of head and the beer was a nice shade of amber that looked like John Hammond’s fly cane in Jurassic Park.
I couldn’t smell any particular flavors at first so I took a sip and definitely didn’t taste raspberry. The first flavor to hit my tongue was spicy deli mustard and then a pretty standard beer taste. I was surprised. I thought it would be a lot sweeter. It wasn’t the worst beer I’ve ever tasted, in fact it wasn’t bad at all but the raspberries on the bottle had me hoping for something else. The mustard taste eventually went away towards the end I started to taste the raspberry.
Maybe it was my imagination, in fact it probably was, but by the last couple sips of the glass the raspberry almost overshadowed the gross beery taste that still grosses me out.
I still don’t like beer but this bottle was halfway decent.
I'm not a fan of beer either, but I came across a flavored beer once that was very tasty (I want to say it was raspberry flavor, but I'm not positive.) I can't recall the name of it, but when I do, I'll let you know so you can give it a try. And you won't be surprised by a "mustard taste" (which sounds worse than regular beer to me haha). It tastes like the flavor it's supposed to tastes like.
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