For those that don’t know Master Pancake is comedians John Erler and Joe Parsons performing a live, and hilarious, commentary track over popular films of that past at the Alamo Drafthouse.
This weekend the two performed their comedy over the 1990 hit Total Recall. There is no doubt in my mind that you’ve all seen at least a little bit of Total Recall on TNT at some point of another but it is a terribly dated sci fi film about Arnold Schwarzenegger going to Mars and becoming a spy. My mom raised my brother and I on sci fi and since she was in town this weekend I thought it would be the perfect place to take her.
I don’t have the words to describe how funny the show was. It was a crude, vulgar, and almost serious critique of the film. The joked about everything from the cinematography, to the cheesy special effects and off course Arnold. I was there with my little brother, my girlfriend, and my mother and the comedy was broad enough to make us all laugh continuously.
If you’ve never seen a Master Pancake performance I highly recommend you buckle down and spend $12.50 next weekend, and if you grew up loving terrible science fiction movies then you’ve got no excuse. The duo will be performing Total Recall every weekend until October 10th and after that they will be doing A Nightmare on Elm Street. For more information visit their website.
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