Never once in my life have I had any urge to watch the backyard wrestling movies that you sometimes see ads for late at night, but for some reason in 2004 I rented "Backyard Wrestling 2: There Goes the Neighborhood." I guess it was some kind of fluke but it was for the better. The game, which pits white trash warriors against each other in a homemade back yard wrestling ring, was actually one of the only enjoyable wrestling games I've ever played. I have no real interest in watching professional wrestling on TV, but for some reason I've always wanted to enjoy a wrestling game. Backyard Wrestling was the only time I've had fun and been good at a wrestling game. I guess it didn't hurt that you could break flourecent light bulbs on people's heads and play as Andrew W.K.
2005: Dynasty Warriors 5 (Ps2)
Feel free to disagree but I think that all six Rocky movies are pretty much the same. Sure some of the characters and settings change...but at the end of the day it's just Stallone getting all sweaty and fighting someone. That's not to say the movies are bad, in fact I like them. I have the same relationship with the Dynasty Warriors franchise. They're all pretty much the same game, but that hasn't stopped me from playing them. The basic gist is you are an old time Chinese army commander and you fight a ton of bad guys...over and over again. Dynasty Warriors 5 was no different, it was basically the same game I'd been playing for the but I still played the crap out of it.
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