In 2007 Felica Day, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, starting writing, creating, and starring in a web series that did just that. The Guild celebrates the world of online massively multilayer games. Day's character plays an unnamed online multiplayer game that bears a striking resemblence to World of Warcraft and the show chonicles their escapades as a guild.
Let's be straightforward, this show isn't for everyone. You've got to be pretty well versed in video game sub-culture to understand a lot of the jokes the show makes. The show's actors aren't always the best, and the writing could use a little bit of work but regardless of that they are still incredibly charming. The episdoes, which average out at about five minutes, start out with Day talking to her web-cam about her addiction to the game and her lack of real social interaction. It's sad, but very true for a lot of people and that makes her so much more loveable.
For being a free web show you really can't complain. A lot of the humor may go over the head of those who lack general World of Warcraft knowledge but I imagine it could still be enjoyable. The characters are quirky and loveable and the premise is a lot of fun. If you've got some time to kill check out their site and watch a couple episodes.
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