Blackest Night is DC Comic's newest event story line that DC and Marvel love to do so much these days. The story, much like Marvel's Civil War and DC's recent Batman R.I.P., tells a big story through several main issues and then subsequent and minor side stories through other comic series. Black Night for example is being told through an eight issue miniseries as through several special issues of Green Lantern, Batman, Superman, Titans, and Green Lantern Corps.
Having only read issues 0 and 1 I can't comment too much on the overall story line, but from what I've read I'm hooked. Geoff Johns writes the Green Lantern very well. The plot is hard to explain, even with the comic book knowledge that I have, but basically tells the story of the Black Lantern Corps rising to power at the command of Black Hand. The Black Lantern Corps uses black power rings to raise an army of recently deceased super heroes.
This has Green Lantern having to both deal with the attacks on the Earth and innocent lives and the emotional effects of seeing his former friends and allies come back as evil. Complicated? Yes. Nerdy? Sorta. But maaan it is good. I'll be heading over to my local comic shop on Wednesday to grab the next couple issues.
One problem:
"but thanks to Geoff John's Blackest Night story line, and the best brother in the entire world for buying this comic for me, I'm finally experiencing the Green Lantern"
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